Get study credits in Joensuu Adult Education Centre courses

Study credit courses are an easy way to make knowhow visible. For example, you can share your credits with an educa­tional insti­tution or employer to indicate what you know. You can join the course even if you do not want credits.


Sign up for the course normally. Tell us that you want to get credits in the course.


Take part in the course and complete it according to the teacher’s instruc­tions.


See your course data at My StudyInfo (Oma opinto­polku).

Study credit courses are ordinary courses of the Adult Education Centre, the content of which is described on compe­tence basis. This means that the course has both learning objec­tives and assessment criteria. Learning objec­tives tell you what skills you are expected to have at the end of the course, and the evaluation criteria describe how you are expected to demon­strate the new skills during the course.

Courses are evaluated on the pass / fail scale. You are able to see your personal study data in My StudyInfo where you can share it, for example, with an employer or educa­tional insti­tution in order to get credited for your studies.

View a video of The Finnish Association of Adult Education Centres (KoL ry.) on competence-based study credit courses:

This is how it works

Sign up for a study credit course online or call our customer service. In the first meeting of the course, tell the teacher you want to complete credits in the course. If you can not be present in the first meeting, please inform the course coordi­nator (contact infor­mation in the sidebar).

In order to store your course data, we need your consent for processing infor­mation. You will receive an elect­ro­nically signed form by email. You can also sign the form on paper at our Customer Service. Bring your ID. The consent of a minor student is given by his or her guardian.

At the beginning of the course, you will receive instruc­tions from the teacher about what you need to do to pass the course. You need to complete the necessary tasks and other exercises before the course ends. After finishing the course, the data of the passed course is stored in the national Koski database. You will see your study data at My StudyInfo (Oma opinto­polku).

If at any point you feel that you do not want credits from the course, please inform the teacher. The data of suspended or failed courses is not stored in the database.

Contact us

Contact us

Anu Rantala
050 572 5984
[email protected]

Anne Soininen
050 912 6690
[email protected]

Elsi Kinnunen
050 912 6682
[email protected]